Rocky Mountain Programmers Guild, LLC is dedicated to helping programmers and programming shops deliver at a world-class level of speed, quality, and innovation.
How can we help you succeed?

Standard Apprenticeship
Beyond language classes and brown bag lunches, our training focuses on taking the full range of skills programmers need from basic knowledge all the way to mastery executing on the job.
Join programmers from around the area to develop your skills mentored by master craftsmen in our program.
Intensive Mentoring
Take the team to the next level. They have the main skills, but to truly reach the heights of Craftsmanship, we can work together to develop and expand the higher level skills.
Shop Tune-up
Get your shop cranking like a well oiled machine. Overcome release reluctance, project instability, and slowed development and improve your ability to plan, adapt, and deliver.
We have made a science of helping programming shops be successful. We do not offer technology or process silver bullets, but look at five comprehensive components that can propel a shop forward to success, or sink them into a mire.
The Complete Programmer
Training great programmers requires a systematic approach to identifying and training all the skills that make programmers successful in the real world. Joe presented this at Mile High Agile 2015.